Effects of stellar feedback on cores in STARFORGE
Authors: Neralwar, K. R. ; Colombo, D. ; Offner, S. ; Wyrowski, F. ;
Menten, K. M. ; Karska, A. ; Grudić, M. Y. ; Neupane, S.
et al.
Bibcode: 2024arXiv240905949N
Description: We analysed the impact of protostellar outflows, stellar winds, and supernovae on the properties of molecular gas cores using the STARFORGE M2e4 fiducial simulation. A central finding of this paper is that stellar feedback injects momentum in dense gas and disrupts its gravitational collapse.
The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology.
II. Integrated source properties
Authors: Neralwar, K. R. ; Colombo, D. ; Duarte-Cabral, A. ; Urquhart, J. S. ;
Mattern, M. ; Wyrowski, F. ; Menten, K. M. ; Barnes, P. ; Sánchez-Monge, Á. ; Rigby, A. J. ; Mazumdar, P. ; Eden, D. ; Csengeri, T. ; Dobbs, C. L. ; Veena, V. S. ; Neupane, S. ; Henning, T. ; Schuller, F. ; Leurini, S. ; Wienen, M. ; Yang, A. Y. ; Ragan, S. E. ; Medina, S. ; Nguyen-Luong, Q.
et al.
Bibcode: 2022A&A...664A..84N
Description: This was a follow up study on cloud morpholgies and their integrated properties. It revealed that ring-like clouds possess the most distinct properties, exhibiting higher masses, sizes, aspect ratios, and velocity dispersions on average compared to other cloud morphologies. This is most likely due to their formation being linked to stellar feedback mechanisms.
The SEDIGISM survey: Molecular cloud morphology.
I. Classification and star formation
Authors: Neralwar, K. R. ; Colombo, D. ; Duarte-Cabral, A. ; Urquhart, J. S. ;
Menten, K. M. ; Barnes, P. ; Sánchez-Monge, Á. ; Beuther, H. ; Rigby, A. J. ; Mazumdar, P. ; Eden, D. ; Csengeri, T. ; Dobbs, C. L. ; Veena, V. S. ; Neupane, S. ; Henning, T. ; Schuller, F. ; Leurini, S. ; Wienen, M. ; Yang, A. Y. ; Ragan, S. E. ; Medina, S. ; Nguyen-Luong, Q.
et al.
Bibcode: 2022A&A...663A..56N
Description: We classified the molecular clouds from the SEDIGISM survey into four different classes, ring-like, elongated, concentrated and clumpy, and analysed their properties. We confirmed the ubiquitous nature of filamentary structures in the Galaxy and discovered that ring-like clouds can be linked to higher star formation activity.